Announcement 17-Dec-2015

I am looking for coke cans from any country with(1) "London 2012 Olympics" ,, (2) "Movie Theme" , (3)" World Expo of any year from any country"

All posts are copyrighted by me, unless I mention the source I got the post are welcome to use any picture or post but only with mentioning the source and that is my blog here .... thank you


why do people collect ? (1)

=>What makes some one decide to collect something?
=>How does it start that: "I am going to keep this thing and start looking for more"

=>How do you arrange your collection? I was visiting my friend's house the other day and was talking to her daughters and asking them to collect phone cards for me when they travel.. They were a bit surprised !! But when I told them its my hobby >> each one started to call me to go to her room, and each showed me her own collection of things ...

The eldest collects thimbles and pins The thimbles are nicely arranged in a Cupboard.

while the pins are arranged to like a boarder

The other one collects magnets and she keeps some other souvenirs that she can stick in her diary.

The third daughter collects pens & pencils .

I forgot to mention the youngest - the boy - he collects key rings and he knows, Mashallah, every single one he has

God Bless them all.

So the Question is what made them do this (collecting), what made them choose what to collect. what does it tell about a person's personality , what does it add to it, how good is this hobby to some one.....etc

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates