Announcement 17-Dec-2015

I am looking for coke cans from any country with(1) "London 2012 Olympics" ,, (2) "Movie Theme" , (3)" World Expo of any year from any country"

All posts are copyrighted by me, unless I mention the source I got the post are welcome to use any picture or post but only with mentioning the source and that is my blog here .... thank you


Coca Cola went White .... then red again

have you seen the Coca Cola white cans? they were produced white as a support to polar bear : save polar bear home" but customers kept complaining that they are mixing the new cans up with Diet cans, which made Cocal Cola stop producing the white can .

white can are still in the market, but they stopped producing them and when back to red with the same design Silver polar bear on red background.

I luckily, I managed to get the can + the red one from Hong Kong +the round shaped botthles from USA with polar bears

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates