Announcement 17-Dec-2015

I am looking for coke cans from any country with(1) "London 2012 Olympics" ,, (2) "Movie Theme" , (3)" World Expo of any year from any country"

All posts are copyrighted by me, unless I mention the source I got the post are welcome to use any picture or post but only with mentioning the source and that is my blog here .... thank you


[USA - Dr.Pepper]Welcome Iron Man to my collection

we were at a food court, when my brother brought his order only to notice the can, I was going to check if the restaurant he got his order from (Fat Burger) has the other avengers, but they closed
when I went home , I searched the net and found that this can is one of eight :( and if arranged in a certain way they form one picture .


Ismail said...

Hi Sister! I'm watching the serial The Avengers Chronological Edition ;)
i'm waiting the day to arrive to Dubai and give your cans ;)

Obsessed said...

Wow so it is confirmed that you are coming tot he exhibition in Shj. great to know good luck

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates