Announcement 17-Dec-2015

I am looking for coke cans from any country with(1) "London 2012 Olympics" ,, (2) "Movie Theme" , (3)" World Expo of any year from any country"

All posts are copyrighted by me, unless I mention the source I got the post are welcome to use any picture or post but only with mentioning the source and that is my blog here .... thank you


[Switzerland] Sugar with famous places

I liked the below collection from Switzerland, it has images of famous places on one side, while on the other side a map of Switzerland showing where this place is with its name, what are the possibilities of coffee or tea drinker would notice these information!, they could have used a plain Sugar Packet and that's it, but it does give a beauty to the table you are sitting on, they know that there are people who like to scrapbook, or collect souvenirs

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates