Announcement 17-Dec-2015

I am looking for coke cans from any country with(1) "London 2012 Olympics" ,, (2) "Movie Theme" , (3)" World Expo of any year from any country"

All posts are copyrighted by me, unless I mention the source I got the post are welcome to use any picture or post but only with mentioning the source and that is my blog here .... thank you


Airlines Sugar Packets

Thank you "Rui" for the swap

KLM => Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (KLM Royal Dutch Airlines )
Cathy Pacific
TAP AirPurtogal
Garuda Indonesia

1 comment:

Janah Journeys said...

i used to scold myself for keeping all the sugar packets every time i travel or come to a new places, restaurants and hotels. But when i come across your blog and i felt my actions were justified. all i have to do is consider myself as collector. By the way, i also collect table napkins with their cute logos on it. Got inspired to start sharing and blogging what I've got.

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates